Saturday, June 6, 2009

Skateboarding, Cuban style

Tomado de Speakeasy, el blog de temas culturales del Wall Street Journal.

"Skate culture thrives in the Cuban capital, despite the fact that the island doesn’t boast a single skate shop offering new boards or wheels. At the airports, grandmothers at the baggage claim retrieve new boards by the half dozen, a sure-fire hit with those waiting at home. Teenagers with skateboards regularly gather at a hillside park called Sala Polivalente to make up their own tricks, swap stories about dangerous spills and compare favorite heavy-metal bands. (Anthrax, an American group, ranks high.) Here’s a rare glimpse into their world."


Isis said...

Es un excelente periódico.
Gracias por traer esto.

Ernesto G. said...

Es un periodico excelente, Isis, donde uno halla de todo. Y es cierto, lo bueno hay que ir a buscarlo y si se puede compartir, mejor.

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?